This shit is boss!

Wii Heart Contests!

Even if we're not the ones throwing them! My eyeballs nearly exploded this morning when I was sent toThe Art of Wii contest site. Nintendo in association with local boutique toy shop Magic Pony are giving away 6 hand painted Wii's by the most awesome of Toronto's artists. The Wii is currently trouncing other next-gen systems in terms of sales, and with games like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles coming out later this year you'd best be gettin' on this bandwagon.

The contest runs until April 30th. The slick Wii's were customized byGary Taxali,Hoi-An Tang(!!!),illScarlettandArnold Tsang, with the remaining two designs currently being held under wraps until a later date. Register early to win, and be sure to thank me for letting you know about the contest by giving me the big prize if you win. It's the right thing to do and you damn well know it.

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