Toronto public libraries artist

Toronto artist pens love letter to public libraries

The Toronto Public Library system doesn't often get the love it deserves. Not only do our libraries havea fascinating historydating back to American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, but they serve as crucial community hubs that continue to foster a love of reading even as they adapt to new technologies and uses. Anew art project by Daniel Rotsztaincalled "All the Libraries" aims to celebrate our library system via drawings of each of Toronto's 99 branches.

"Deciding to visit all 99 branches of the Toronto Public Library has given me a way to explore every corner of the city," explains. "I have travelled up river valleys, through neighbourhoods, over highways, and along the lakeshore to get to them. A lot of people talk about how Toronto is divided, ignoring the things that unify us, like our library system."

The project draws attention to a valuable architectural legacy in Toronto and challenges the notion that the city is quite so divided a place as we often hear. It's also a model for urban exploration. Few of us explore the city with such broad range, and that's a shame, as there's so much out there to see, including our libraries.

Check out all the drawings as they're released onthe "All the Libraries" website.

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