
Grab Your Wizard Hat: Toronto Gears Up For Harry Potter

一个nyone else out there eagerly anticipating the next Harry Potter book?

一个s Kari mentioned in the latestBookmark This!, the city's getting geared up for the July 21st release of J.K. Rowling'sHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and the upcoming festivities aren't just for kids.

The Flying Dragon Bookshop(1721 Bayview Ave., ph: 416-481-7721) is hosting a "graduation from Hogwarts" party on Friday, July 20th at 10 pm and will be donating 15% of the cover cost of the newest Harry Potter book to Frontier College, a non-profit Canada wide organisation that supports literacy for all ages.

Harry Potter and the Casa Loma Party(July 20, 6pm-12:30 am) celebrates the release of the final book, for fans aged 14 and over. $82 entry fee includes a formal dinner, live music (5th Projekt), dance, other activities. Participants are encouraged to dress up in costume.

Grown-up Harry Potter fans might want to check outProphecy 2007: From Hero To Legend(August 2-5). The focus of the conference is academic, but the event will also feature musical entertainment fromThe Remus Lupins,Draco and the Malfoys,Harry and the Potters, andThe Whomping Willows.

Do you know of other upcoming Harry Potter events in the city? Please do post them below.

Photo courtesy The Flying Dragon Bookshop.

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