carpooling illegal in ontario

Amendments to the Ontario Public Vehicles Act Forthcoming?

I received the above letter in response to an email I had sent to the Ontario Minister of Transportation, The Honourable James J. Bradley.

Two weeks ago, afterBlogTO had reported that PickupPal had been deemed illegalby the Ontario Highway Transport Board I had expressed my concerns to my MPP about the situation. While the whole situation itself is disconcerting, what bothered me the most was that the news was being spread across the globe.

People all over the world were hearing how hypocritical Ontario was with their green policies. Within days from the time my email was sent the news story had hit countless websites, including

While the response certainly sounds good, the wording is still somewhat vague.

How will the Ontario government amend the Public Vehicles act?

Do they have any intention of following through, or will it remain in bureaucratic Purgatory?

Does the government have the actual support to pass such an amendment?

Written by blogTO reader and guest contributor Ryan Leroux

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