tiff 2018 toronto

TIFF announces opening night film for 2018 festival

The opening film for the2018 Toronto International Film Festivalhas finally been announced and its set kick off the festival with a little bit of historical drama.

Outlaw Kingstars Chris Pine as Robert the Bruce, a 14th century Scottish king-turned-rebel that sets out to defeat the English army a-la David and Goliath (or Braveheart, whichever).

The film is set to premiere on September 6 at Roy Thomson Hall and mark the beginning of the 10-day film festivalchock full of must-sees.

TIFF has also revealed its closing film will beJeremiah Terminator LeRoy, starring Laura Dern and Kristen Stewart, which tells the story of how one author created a fictionalized persona with the help of her boyfriend's sister.

Lots ofCanadian talentandother big-name filmsare set to premiere at this year's festival, on from September 6 to 16.

Lead photo by

Toronto International Film Festival

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