Toronto Transit Museum plans push forward

If you're anything like me, the most exacerbating thing about the TTC is not thefare hikes, B.O. infused morning congestion, or unscheduledcoffee-breaks.

No--it's that each day I ride the TTC like an idiot, unable to identify a 1938 streetcar from a 1947 electric trolley.

Embarrassing, I know. Luckily, the TTC is sensitive to my plight, moving forward with plans to establish a Toronto Transit Museum and Visitor Centre. Just what commuters have been asking for!

Yesterday, TTC commissioners approved setting up asteering committeeto research funding, possible board members, and to set up a non-profit corporation. Next steps will cost $138,000.

Theconcept佛r the centre involves displaying historic vehicles and exploring the science, history, and future of transportation.

If only the TTC would consider raising fares again and decreasing service during peak hours--then they'd really be tuned in to what commuters need right now.

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