Toronto woman suing Rogers for exposing her affair has allies

Gabriela Nagy, the adulterous ex-Rogers customer who filed a $600,000 suit against the company for ruining her marriage, saysshe has alliesin other 责任导向板privacy advocates.

According to Nagy, 12 other former Rogers customers in Ontario claim their marriages crumbled due to the company's failure to protect their private information. She says fourhave already signedaffidavits.

Nagyfiled a suitagainst Rogers after her cell phone bill, which was under her maiden name, was bundled with her husband's bill, allowing him to see her call history. Nagy's husband found out about the affair, and the two are now separated.

Nagy has launched a campaign called Citizens Helping Individuals Reform Privacy Policies (CHIRPP), which, she hopes, will improve privacy protection in Ontario.

"If we have no privacy, we are nothing," Nagy said at news conference today, incidentally, beside her new public relations specialist.

Nagy, disguised in dark glasses and a wig, said she would still be pursuing the lawsuit even if her marriage hadn't failed. Reconcile that.

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