Indie Rock group The Diableros announce split

In a messageposted on their Myspace page Thursday, Toronto's own indie-rock band The Diableros announced they are going their separate ways due to creative differences. "When being in a band starts to cause more stress than pleasure, you need to re-evaluate why you are doing it."

The Diableros formed in 2004, and gained recognition in 2006 after the re-release of their first album, 'You Can't Break the Strings in Our Olympic Hearts'. After touring with a number of bands, including The Stills, they released an EP in 2009. In recent months, they had been working on a new album.

"Unfortunately the fun wasn't there. There's certainly been good times, but the overall feeling was tense and hard to shake. Perhaps this is what happens when you put together five people who are all creative in very different ways; maybe it's just too much energy. Either way, it wasn't working; we couldn't fix it ... From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support."

Writing by Lauren Souch

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