TObuilt is back online

Aftertaking down his websiteon the night of Rob Ford's mayoral victory, the owner of TOBuilt has had a change of heart. Citing both the widespread criticism doled out in the wake of the decision and the contributions of other members, the note below announces the return of the database.

Although the site may not receive a whole updates in the future, at least now the archives are back. I've found them very useful over the years, and I'm delighted to be able to peruse them again.


FromTOBuilt's homepage:

“哦,n the night of Toronto's recent mayoral election, dismayed by the results, I brought down the functionality of this site and announced its demise. I realize now that this was the wrong thing to do. Though I profoundly regret the results of the election, the reaction to my actions has been swift and unforgiving, and I have to agree to some extent with those who found it peevish.

In the end, it was a kindly worded email from Catherine Naismith that convinced me to restore the functionality of the site. What it made me realize is that, though I am the largest contributor to this site, that the photos I've taken and the data I've collected have been a useful and pleasurable source of information for some people. In a sense, I'm not sure that TOBuilt is entirely "mine" to take down. And so it's this I apologise for - creating a resource and then removing it without warning. Though I'm not sure how much time I will have to devote to keeping it updated, I will keep it going in at least its current form."

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