Statement regarding online threats against women at UofT

It has been reported that the University of Toronto is increasing campus security after becoming aware of anonymous online threats that were made on September 5 2015. I can confirm that two such comments were made on this site and that we have provided information to local law enforcement regarding the matter.

Since we have received a number of inquiries about these comments I have included additional information below that may be helpful for those wanting to learn more about our actions and involvement with this ongoing investigation.

What do you know about the person who made the threatening comments?

Our commenting system is able to capture commenter IP addresses. Commenters are also asked to provide a name and email address although this information is unverified. We have provided all information available to local law enforcement to assist them with their investigation into this matter.

When were the comments posted and removed?

The comments were posted on September 5 2015 and removed by our moderator as soon as we became aware of their existence.

What is your current involvement in this investigation?

We have provided information to local law enforcement that may be useful in their investigation. We remain available to assist in any way if and when requested.

何w can we contact you for more information?

You can contact me directly at tim [at] blogto [dotcom]

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