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Radar: Teksteditions Launch, Cruddy with School Damage, The Ward & Cave Baby, The Ugly Holiday Sweater Party, Elvis Monday

BOOKS & LIT|Teksteditions Launch
Teksteditions is a new and forward thinking small Toronto press, helmed by author Richard Truhlar and Beverley Daurio. Daurio is also an author in her own right, but even more significantly, has been a strong force in Canadian literature since the 1980s as editorial head of bothParagraph: The Canadian Fiction Review, andPoetry Canada Review, as well as Mercury Press. Tonight at The Supermarket, Teksteditions is holding a special party for some of their recently released titles by the great jazz journalist and author, Mark Miller, as well as Brian Dedora, Opal Louis Nations, Gerry Shikatani & Richard Truhlar. This is great opportunity to pop out for a few hours, and tap into what is happening in TO's literary scene.
Supermarket (268 Augusta Avenue) 7:30pm FREE

MUSIC|Cruddy w/ School Damage, The Ward & Cave Baby
Heavy bill tonight at Parts & Labour. Our guests from out of town are Cruddy, who describe their sound as being like vintage Husker Du — that means plenty of melody with lots of edge...always a good thing. The Ward and Cave Baby are both local TO acts, delivering tight and raw tunes closer to The Fall, Velvets, Sonic Youth, Pixies, and other similar tight power-packed approaches. School Damage, however, also a TO band, has a a sound with roots firmly planted in the early '80s hardcore scene: amphetamine tempos, short, tight forms, and aggression to the hilt. Should be an interesting bill, with enough cohesiveness to bind all of these acts together, but enough variety that there will be no sense of 'sameness' from band-to-band.
Parts & Labour (1566 Queen Street West) 9PM $5

FUNDRAISER|The Ugly Holiday Sweater Party
Centennial College's Ugly Sweater Party goes down tonight at Wayla Bar! This will be a bash for the books! Now you just know there will be an ugly sweater contest - that's a given. Other cool things to expect include door prizes, auctions, festive drinks to fit the season, wickedly cheezy tunes ("Wooly Bully" could be a good choice, but they're leaning towards '80s nuggets), and much more. This event is a fundraiser for Dress For Success Toronto, a charity devoted to helping give disadvantaged women access to professional clothing for work, and providing support to these individuals. Come out in your ugly sweater and support a good cause!
WAYLA Bar (996 Queen St. East) 7PM $10

MUSIC|Elvis Monday
Elvis Monday strikes again! It does every Monday, actually. But that's old news, this being the longest running showcase of alt/indie rock in TO. The best part is that it's always free, and has achieved a certain level of credibility where people can show up without always needing to know the lineup: it's a given that it will Rock. That being said, you might be interested in know that tonight's offerings include Daresay, Delusion Manifesto, Colleen Hodgson, Clara Engle, and of course, People Of Canada.
The Drake Hotel (1150 Queen Street West) 9PM FREE


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Photo byPJMixerin the blogTO Flickr pool

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