toronto events june 6

Radar: Griffin Poetry Prize Shortlist Readings, Tommy Youngsteen, Earth Day Canada's Gala, Reveal Me, Mirage: the 2012 Versailles Gala

BOOKS & LIT|Griffin Poetry Prize Shortlist Readings
The Griffin Poetry Prize was established in 2000 by Scott Griffin, and can be a very lucrative honour for two poets annually: one Canadian poet, and an international poet. Tonight's event at Koerner Hall is an opportunity to hear readings by selected poets who have made the 2012 shortlist. Those sharing their work this evening include Ken Babstock, Yusef Komunyakaa, Phil Hall, Sean O'Brien, David Harsent, Joanna Trzeciak/Tadeusz Różewicz and Jan Zwicky.
Koerner Hall (273 Bloor Street West) 7:30PM $12.50 and up

MUSIC|Tommy Youngsteen at the Dakota
Sure there are cover bands, but then there are all-star cover bands! Tommy Youngsteen is of the latter variety. This group is made up of members of several awesome Canadian bands, including The Trews, Stars, Sloan, and BSS. As the band names cryptically implies, they will be working the songbooks of Tom Petty, Neil Young, and Bruce Springsteen. These guys do it every Wednesday in June at The Dakota.
The Dakota Tavern (249 Ossington Avenue) 10PM

CULTURE|Earth Day Canada's Gala
This one is a pricey ticket, but you cannot argue with the cause. This will be an evening of great food, great art, schmoozing, and more. Chef Stadtländer is helming the 'comestible' end of things, Gemini winner Shaun Majumder is the event's MC, Sarah Harmer will be the keynote speaker, and music will be provided by The Sadies.
The Drake Hotel (1150 Queen Street West) 6:30PM $150 and up

VARIETY|Reveal Me at the Rivoli!
A new monthly event is getting underway at The Rivoli on Queen Street. "Reveal Me" is an unusual and edgy night of entertainment, dubbed "social burlesque," and will be sure to ruffle some feathers, and hold some surprises. A number of "professional peelers" and "virgin vixens" are ready to go, along with food and drinks. If you are looking for something new and possibly dangerous, this event could be worth looking into.
The Rivoli (334 Queen Street West) 9PM $10


THOMAS/ Language-Arts/ Jom Comyn
Mirage: the 2012 Versailles Gala

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Photo byMags.Din the blogTO Flickr pool

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