cherry blossoms robarts

Robarts cherry blossoms now in full bloom

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Toronto. No, notthe ones at High Park. The flowers on those treesare just starting to open. But the sakura stand at Robarts Library burst to life over the weekend and is currently at its most gorgeous state. Never mind how the blossoms look, the smell is downright intoxicating.

cherry blossoms robarts

While there are far fewer cherry blossoms here than at High Park (there are about 70 in total), it's still an impressive display, made all the more so by the juxtaposition of the concrete giant of a library that looms above the delicate-looking sakura. The laneway running diagonally toward Huron St. is a particularly beautiful little walk that anyone in the area should partake in.

cherry blossoms robarts

As for the big show at High Park, this weekend will draw tens of thousands out to take part in the annual viewing ritual. If you're not so good in crowds, a trip to Robarts will let you soak up the cherry blossoms without rubbing up against snap happy photographers looking to preserve this most fleeting spring occurrence.

cherry blossoms robarts

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