haliburton forest

This forest in Ontario is home to the longest suspended canopy boardwalk in the world

There's no better time to get outside and enjoy all of the outdoor activities Ontario has to offer. From scenic drives, to canoe trips, hikes and treetop treks, it might seem impossible to tick every item off your summer bucket list.

Luckily, there is one tour in Ontario that combines all four, and it's pretty much the ultimate day excursion for any nature lover.

Less than three hours from Toronto inHaliburton, you'll find the longest suspended boardwalk in the world that is part of an epiccanopy tour.

After you meet your guides at Base Camp, the tour begins as you drive your own vehicle through a private forest that will be bursting with colour in just a few weeks. From there, a guided walk along the Pelaw River Rapids will take you to the heart of the canopy itself.

This last part of the tour is the main attraction - the canopy trek. At over half a kilometre long, this boardwalk among the clouds is the longest of its kind in the world.

This guided tour will weave you through the forest treetops, high above the forest ground below. Various platforms along the route will offer you some opportunities to rest, and snap some 'grams.

Tours run twice daily until mid-October and costs $95/person.

Lead photo by

Haliburton Forest

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