Bathtub Island Ontario

Bathtub Island is a stunning hidden gem in Ontario with a natural pool

Bathtub Island in Ontario is a natural wonder located at Katherine Cove in拉ke Superior Provincial Park. The island rings true to its name due to the shallow, crystal-clear pool of water that forms in the middle of the island during low tide.

The tiny island is quite the trek away, around 9 hours northwest of Toronto; however, if you're up for a road trip, the destination has some of the most breathtaking scenery Ontario has to offer.

Only accessible by foot, the island is a small, rocky outcropping made by an enclosed cluster of flat, smooth rocks which create a natural pool of water separate from the lake.

Despite the freezing cold waters of拉ke Superior, the island's shallow basins get warmed up quickly by the sun in the summer months for a bath-like experience. The "bath" gets topped up by larger waves frequently.

Many visitors bring snacks and spend the afternoon sunbathing on the rocks. The natural bathtub overlooks the sparkling blue waters and picturesque coastline for a truly one-of-a-kind view.

To get to Bathtub Island, after arriving at Katherine Cove, visitors must firsthike a short trailthrough the woods on a well-marked path until reaching the shore. From there, you must wade a mere 45 metres through shallow water for a quick walk to the island.

拉ke Superior Provincial Park currently has a tentative opening date for the season of May 19, but you can check theOntario Parks websitefor updates. A daily permit is also required, which you canreserve in advance online.

Lead photo by

Chris + Nicole

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