ttc crack smoking

Video of someone smoking crack on the TTC has people fearing the worst for Toronto

New footage of an individual openly doing illict substances on a busy Toronto bus — posted the very same day that someonewas stabbedduring a violent altercation in the middle of a TTC subway train — is sparking a ton of conversation about the deterioration of the city and who is to blame.

The quick clip circulating on socials shows a man lighting up and smoking what appears to be a crack pipe while sitting on the stairs of a bus, the smoke blowing into the shared air as commuters sit packed in the seats around him.

Like the stabbing incidentlater that day, viewers are of course using the video to make a political argument, relating the incident to the stances and leadership of Mayor-elect Olivia Chow (who, many are noting, hasn't even taken office yet), Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford and others.

As some worry, referring to Chow, that "there's no way an anti-police, leftist councillor will ever get tough on anything like this guy lighting up on the TTC to turn the city around," others reminisced about the notorious crack scandal from late former Mayor Rob Ford.

This isn't the first time Toronto has seen a video of someone smoking crack. YouTube has plenty of former mayor Rob. What did his brother do?,"reads one such retort.

While these and other residents get into heated aguments in the replies section on Twitter, still others are simply mourning a time when they perceived Toronto as a safer and overall, better city to live in.

Topics ranging fromsafe drug supply, mental health care andpolicingtosky-high housing prices,immigrationandgender rolesare coming up as people take sides over what everyone can at least agree is an unfortunate and undesirable situation that may or may not be a symptom of the overall state of things in the city, province and/or country.

Some, thankfully skirting the political arguments, are alsosharing their own storiesof seeing open drug use and other crimes on public transit, whether recently or years ago when someone else was in charge.

It is unclear whether the rider caused any further incident or whether authorities were called.

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