Full Buck Moon Drum Circle

The Time has come for us to once again gather under the magic of the full moon surrounded by all the elements and elevate collectively on the live sound station chanellation manifestation.

Welcome back to deeptastic 3 .

Deeptastic is a movement and gathering of souls, celebrating life through expressions of music and dance! We are a community of musicians, artists, DJs, and music appreciators with one goal in mind: to unify the dancefloor with love and collectively jingulate and elevate to higher states of love and appreciation for the situation which is up to your interpretation.

we are still buzzing so high energy from our June Full Starwberry Moon Drum circle, we felt this sharing must come for our next elevation celebrartion situation!!!!

With Love and from deep within the heart of deeptastic we invite to come elevate with us and celebrate the full moon energy and magic that it brings us all together..in unity community and appreciation we bring you this celebration of full power heart medicine music, a space in which one is free to express themselves, and tap into the raw primal energy foce that lies within us all.. we are people we've been waiting for.. the rainbow warriors of love and light bringing forth the message of love and appreciation. We leave the night as an open canvas that becomes a group art peice by everyone activily expressing their heart medicine.

柴火和火艺术捐赠5美元和我们将be greatly appreciated as we will be going through a lot of firewood on this special night

We are deeptastic sound activation celebration a unique tribe situating on the situations of elevations and we invite you to come celebarte with us under the full moon

3 3 Stay Fanstastic till the next Deeptastic 3 .3

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Full Buck Moon Drum Circle