HEY GIRL HEY: Hail Santa!

你在假期和奈基本上是性病ll years away, so come roast your chestnuts on the open fire that is HEY GIRL HEY!

Our stocking is stuffed with:

-a 12:30ish performance by Beardoncé that is gonna blow the roof of this Winter Talent Show!

-a dance floor packed with the cutest queers on Dundas West ready to Make the Yuletide Gay Again!

-DJ Orange Pekoe giving you a safe haven from WHAM! by playing only the best hip-hop and RnB by female and non-binary artists!

So, don your gay apparel and jingle your bells in our direction, babe!

$10 | 19+

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HEY GIRL HEY: Hail Santa!