Humans of Basic Income

Humans of Basic Income will be featured at the Black Cat Artspace, from September 25th-28th!

In this portrait series, people will be able to learn and read the stories of the people affected by the premature cancellation of the Basic Income Pilot Project. Meet photographer Jessie Golem, and learn about the stories of the people affected by the broken promises of the Progressive Conservative government. There will be a reception on Tuesday September 25th. There will be pay what you can drinks, as well as light snacks that will be provided. All donations accepted, and will go to funding the Humans of Basic Income project.

Humans of Basic Income is a portrait series inspired by the premature cancellation of the Basic Income Pilot Project. Jessie Golem's photographs have been featured on CBC, Huffington Post, Photographers Without Borders, The Toronto Star, The Hamilton Spectator, and The Lindsay Advocate. See more photos here:

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Humans of Basic Income