Me and Mine Toronto

Me and Mine

Me and Mine is a new brunch spot on a stretch of College that is quickly getting a breath of new life. Sitting between Dufferin and Brock, Me and Mine has joined the recently openedBrockton HauntandTakht-e Tavoosbringing new life and new tastes to this increasingly popular stretch of College west.

Me and Mine

Walking in to their bright and airy space on a Sunday at noon, the restaurant is completely empty. With a clean and well decorated interior Me and Mine has a distinctly calming feel with a 'seaside' style decor and the sounds of surf-rock coming through the speakers. We were quickly brought our coffees - a good, strong cup served in camping mugs - and offered some complimentary grilled watermelon, a nice introduction to the neighbourhood's newest spot.

Me and Mine

With a small menu we were able to get almost every item they were offering on their third Sunday brunch service. The kale and goat cheese torte ($12) sits atop a warm and moist piece of jalapeno cornbread. The flavours of the mild goat cheese, kale and mild cornbread mix wonderfully. With a large portion of the light and fluffy dish, this packs a solid breakfast-punch.

Me and Mine

The pork and egg pie ($13) is another great option. In a flaky and buttery crust, this pie is filled with a hard-boiled quail egg and some well seasoned ground pork. For breakfast pie lovers out there, this is definitely worthy of a taste. The pie is served with a chunky sweet potato mash and a light pea salad.

The cowboy sausage ($13, lead photo) was served with a cauliflower and aged cheddar bake topped with pickled cherries and a green bean and watercress salad. We felt that this was missing a crucial breakfast element, so we added a poached egg to make the meal a little more 'pre-noon' appropriate ($2.50 extra). The sausage was juicy and well cooked and offered a solid contrast with the subtly sweet and cheesy bites from the bake.

Me and Mine

The definite winner was the cured and torched trout ($15). A thick cut of cured trout is laid atop two buckwheat and poppy seed pancakes. The trout is top quality, tasting fresh and hearty, still quite tender and moist. The pancakes were a little dry, but after adding some butter were a nice complement to the fish. Along with a light grilled salad and yoghurt cheese, we were all fighting for bites of this dish.

Me and Mine

While not the most typical of brunch-fare, this menu is very well thought through, with a focus on fresh tastes and a meshing of flavours. Everyone in our party left feeling satisfied with their meal. With lots of interested on-lookers peeking in to check out the menu, you can be sure Me and Mine will soon be bringing in some larger crowds.

Me and Mine

Photos by Marni Wolf

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